La Limonera

Via Volta, 2 - Rovellasca (CO)

The flooring project aimed to find the maximum adhesion to the original structure, a building of the end of the eighteenth century located near the old town centre of Rovellasca, in Como province. The structure, dismissed for years without a specific destination of use, risked the total decay before a radical restoring intervention with a new function and activity of restaurant. This philosophy has so inspired the choice of new indoor flooring: it was decided to use the Tagina’s glazed porcelain ”Terrae de Tarsina” collection in particular in the Categge colour. The cotto shades, the “rustic” properties, the aesthetical characteristics of this ceramic floor tile (that ideally reminds to an attentive artisan ability) emerges in this way the walking level, composed by modules of different sizes and adorned by ”yellow decors” that draw a frame along the perimeter of the halls.

Natalia Boccato
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